How to load the Funxtion Exercise Library into Fisikal.

This tutorial shows system administrators how to load the Funxtion exercise library into a dedicated instance of Fisikal.


Funxtion is a content provider that offers custom branded exercise libraries and workouts for health and fitness operators. 

The Funxtion exercise library consists of lots of small video files which show members how to perform specific exercises. When these are added into the Fisikal platform, operators can create custom workouts (preview type) for members to engage with.

The video below shows how the "Preview" workout type looks when embedded in a Fisikal member mobile application.

There are a few steps that operators will need to do in order to take content from Funxtion and load this into Fisikal so that members can interact with their custom branded exercise library. 

This has been broken down into the following steps.

The Funxtion Exercise Library

Funxtion may provide their exercises in a number of different formats to include:

  • Link to a Vimeo collection
  • Raw video files

In order for the videos to be uploaded into Fisikal, we need to have them uploaded manually into Fisikal. This approach allows us to generate the relevant thumbnails for workouts to give the best customer experience.

Vimeo Collection

When navigating into the Vimeo account, you will need to filter your profile for the connected account. In the example below we have changed the profile to the "FitLife" profile (which is a customers' profile).

Once in the profile you should navigate to:

  • Team Library > Funxtion Exercises

Here you will see a list of video folders which show specific collections of exercises.

If you select any of the collection folders such as "Conditioning" you will see a list of all of the exercise videos that have been associated to this collection.

If you then select any individual exercise such as "1 crunch - 2 punches", you will see the following:

Key information that you will find that should be brought over into Fisikal includes the following:

  • Exercise Title
  • Exercise Description
  • The video file itself, which you can download via the "Share" link.

Before you start to download, you should work out how you can manage the data efficiently, we recommend doing this via a spreadsheet so you can check off which items are uploaded into Fisikal and those that still need actioning.

Organising your Data

Before you start to download the files from Vimeo and upload them into Fisikal, you should start to plan how best to manage this thereby minimising the chance that exercises are not uploaded correctly.

The best way to do this is on a Google Sheet. Here you can have multiple team members working alongside each other.

Step #1 - Create a new Google Sheet

Create a new Google Sheet with the following titles:

  • User
  • Category
  • Title
  • Description
  • Tags
  • Downloaded
  • Media File Link
  • Uploaded
  • Exercise Created

Share the link out to all the team members that should be working on this together.

Step #2 - Set Up a Shared Video drive

Now that you have a file to work with, you need somewhere that you team can all download the video files to, that you can all access.

In the example below we are using Dropbox. Here you will need to:

  • Create a folder for Funxtion
  • Create sub folders for each of the categories of exercises you would like

Please note that if you are downloading the files to a local machine, and you have these in "Online Only Mode" then the videos will NOT upload into Fisikal or any other website. The files must be able to be uploaded directly from drive onto the software.

Step #3 - Download the Exercises & Populate Google Sheet

Now you have a shared Google Sheet and somewhere that you can put the video, you need to work through each of the exercise categories to get the information you need Video so you can start to upload them into Fisikal. 

We recommend that you download everything first and then upload them into Fisikal, one category at a time.

Enter the Category
  • Fill in the Category that you are working through, for example "Conditioning."
Enter the Title
  • Copy the title from Vimeo and paste it into the Google Sheet.
Enter the Description
  • Copy the description from Vimeo and paste it into the Google Sheet.

Download the Video

  • Download the video as 540p file and add into the shared drive.
  • Add YES to the Downloaded column.
  • Add a link to the "HERE" text with a link to the media file from the shared drive.

Content Categorisation

Now that you have the basic information about the exercise downloaded to a Shared Drive and entered onto a Google Sheet, you need to think about how users can find the content when they are trying to create a programme for a member. 

We recommend that you use "Tags" for this - tags are included in "Search" fields in Fisikal, so this makes it easy for users to find a specific exercise or media types.

Tag Categories

In order to be able to tag a media file or exercise, you first have to create a Tag Category. To learn how to do this please click HERE. Tag Categories can be found by navigating to SETTINGS > TAG CATEGORIES.

In the following example I have example I have created a Tag Category titled "Exercises." I have made this category associated to both Exercises and Media Files, to help with data management.

I have also create a separate Tag Category for Categories, so we can easily apply these to the Media File or Exercises as well. This solution helps us search more efficiently than just file title.

Content Tagging

Once you have create a Tag Category, you will need to create all the individual tags that you would like to tag the Media Files and Exercises with. To learn how to create Tags, please click HERE. Tags can be found by navigating to SETTINGS > TAGS.

The following screenshot shows a list of different Tags that have been created for the purpose of this tutorial.

Apply the Tags to Google Sheet for each Exercise that you want to upload.

Media Files

Now you have all the information ready to upload into Fisikal, administrators should navigate to MY DEVELOPMENT > MEDIA FILES.

On the Media Files overview page, you will see a list of all the Media Files that you have uploaded into the platform.

To add a new Media File, administrators should do the following:

  • Click on the "+" button to load the "Create new media file" form.
  • Copy the Title of the Exercise from the Google Sheet and Paste it into the "Title" field.
  • Apply the Tag for the provider e.g. Funxtion
  • On the "Media source" section, select Upload and then upload the file.
  • Select CREATE.

Once the Media File has been created, you will see the file processing screen as follows:

Once the files has been processed on Fisikal, it will show the thumbnail of the video. If you want to make any changes to the Media File, you can select the "edit" button (pencil icon) to make further changes.

Now you have uploaded the Media file into Fisikal, go back to the Google Sheet and enter YES in the "Uploaded" folder.

You have a choice now if you want to upload all the Media Files first, or go in and create Exercises after you have created each Media Files. You may decide that one team member uploads Media Files and another adds all Exercises - as you prefer.

Exercise Categories

In order to create Exercises, you must first create Exercise Categories. To learn more about how to do this please click HERE.

The screenshot below shows an Exercise Category for each content provider eg. Funxtion.

Note: It is not possible to create an Exercise in Fisikal without a corresponding Exercise Category, as this is a mandatory field.


Exercise are the building blocks of a Preview Workout type in Fisikal. Exercises are found in MY DEVELOPMENT > EXERCISES.

Administrators can add Exercises as follows:

  • Select the "+" button to load the Add Exercise from.
  • Copy the Exercise Title from the Google Sheet and paste it into the "Exercise name" field.
  • Select the Content Provider (Funxtion) in the "Exercise category" section
  • Copy the "Category" title from the Google Sheet and paste it into the "Exercise sub title" field.
  • Copy the Exercise Description from the Google Sheet and paste it into the "Exercise description field." Please note to remove any spacing around between description coaching note.
  • Apply the Tags as required to easily find this Exercise

  • Select the Type field and configure it as required for this specific exercise. For preview workout types, please select from the following options:
    • Time - enter the duration in seconds, note that if you enter 60 it will show as 01:00 (mins).

    • Sets/Reps - Enter Sets and Reps values. Leave Weight blank as this can be personalised by the trainer for a specific client.

  • On the "Exercise Loop (file) option select "No media chosen" to load the Media File selector.
  • You have a few options to search for the specific Media File in to include:
    • Enter the name of the Media File.
    • Enter "Funxtion" to search all Media Files tagged with this provider.
    • Or you can scroll to find the specific Media File.
    • Once you have selected the Media File, select "APPLY FILTER".

  • On the "Preview file" option select "No media chosen" to load the Media File selector.
  • Search and find the same Media File and apply this to the form.

Please make sure that both Exercise Loop (file) and Preview File options are completed as shown below.

Before you select "CREATE" you should first select who this Exercise should be visible to. 

  • Scroll up on the page to check the following:
    • Status = Enabled
    • Deliver = Immediately
    • Publish until = Available forever
    • Send notifications = Unselected
    • Deliver to = All user

Once you are happy with the configuration, please select "CREATE."

Once you have created the Exercise, you can go to the Exercises overview page and search and find the exercise to view a preview  as shown below.

Update Documentation

Once you have added the Exercise, you should update the shared Google Sheet by:

  • Adding YES in the "Exercise Created" section
  • Colouring the row - to inform team members that this is done