Connect Fisikal and ABC Financials to share member data

ABC Financials is a membership system that can be used with Fisikal to synchronise client and door access data. Most commonly this is to allow the integration with the Egym BMA to operate effectively.


The ABC Financials API access is through a billable API. The more frequently it is called, and the more information it responds with increases the cost of using it.

Please discuss this with your ABC Financials before switching it on.



Before switching on the ABC Integration please obtain:

  • ABC App ID - This is usually specific to Fisikal
  • ABC App Key - This is usually specific to Fisikal
  • Permission from ABC Financials for the above App ID to use the required API endpoints for the Clubs in your business. These are the endpoints essential for the sync to function:
  • For each location in your club you must obtain the ABC Financials Club Number.

The above information is required to allow Fisikal to regularly sync data from ABC Financials.

  • The most common use case for the ABC Integration is to allow the Egym BMA Integration to function. Please also review the requirements for that integration here: Egym BMA Integration 


How to switch on the ABC Financials Integration


  1. Log into Fisikal as a Manager user
  2. Click Settings > Identities > ➕
  3. Enter the details of the identity:
    1. Identity Type: Third-party ID
    2. Name: ABC Financials Barcode
    3. Max per client: 1
    4. Minimum days between changes: 0
  4. Click Add
  5. Click Settings > Integrations > ➕
  6. Add an ABC Financials integration
  7. Complete the settings:
    1. Status: Active
    2. App ID: received from ABC Financials
    3. App Key: received from ABC Financials
    4. Select Identity: Choose the ABC Financials Barcode
  8. Click Add
  9. Locate the ABC Financials integration in the list and edit by clicking ✏️
  10. Enable the Sync Member Data option to regularly receive member data from ABC Financials.
    1. Enter the frequency of the sync in minutes.
      A lower number (eg 5mins) means that data is exchanged between ABC Financials and Fisikal more regularly and the two systems have a more real-time connection. But also means that the charges for API usage from ABC Financials are higher.
  11. Enable the Sync Swipes option to receive door access data into Fisikal
    1. Enter the frequency of the sync in minutes.
      A lower number (eg 5mins) means that data is exchanged between ABC Financials and Fisikal more regularly and the two systems have a more real-time connection. But also means that the charges for API usage from ABC Financials are higher.

  12. Click Update.
    The integration is now active, but will not exchange any information until the locations have been configured with their ABC Financials club number.


How to configure locations to connect to ABC Financials

Locations can be connected to ABC Financials by adding their club number. This functions as the on/off switch for the integration.

  1. Click Services > Locations > ✏️
  2. Click the Integrations tab
  3. Enter the locations ABC Financials Club Number and click Update

The location is now syncing data.

After some time you will observe clients from ABC Financials appearing in the Client List in Fisikal.