EGym Integrations Overview

Fisikal and Egym work together to deliver a rich mobile app experience to your members.

Fisikal can be the booking component inside your Egym Branded Web App.

To enable the connection between Fisikal and Egym you must determine the type of integration that is possible.

There are 3 types of integration possible with Egym, they depend on how tightly Egym is integrated with your Membership Management System (MMS).

  1. EGym and Fisikal with a OneMMS connected MMS
  2. EGym and Fisikal with a loosely connected MMS
  3. EGym and Fisikal with Personify


If your MMS is a OneMMS compatible system then you can use the Fisikal components with or without a specific integration between Fisikal and the MMS.

Example MMS in this category:

  • Gladstone
  • PerfectGym
  • Exerp

The MMS in this list is determined by development done between Egym and your MMS.

Please refer to those providers for full details of the integrations.

Egym provides this list:


Click here for details on how to enable the EGYM - BMA Integration component.


If your MMS is not a OneMMS compatible system then it is still possible to use Fisikal, but there must be a direct integration between Fisikal and the MMS.

Example MMS in this category:

  • ABC Financials
  • Traction Rec

The list of MMS in this category is determined by the development done by Fisikal, as well as the EGYM team. Please contact your account manager for details.

Click here for details on how to enable the EGYM - BMA Integration component.

Click here for the list of Integrations available between Fisikal and your MMS.


If your MMS is Personify, you must use the Egym - BMA - Personify Integration

The Personify integration is slightly different to other MMS because it is not possible to poll Personify to stay on top of new members and updates. Instead a request is sent to Personify only upon the user clicking on the Fisikal MWA tile.

The technical distinction makes the Personify integration mostly suitable for Group Exercise type bookings where the user books themselves onto the class.

Click here for details on how to enable the EGYM - BMA - Personify Integration.