1. Fisikal Support

Loading Funxtion Exercises

In this tutorial we will show you how you can upload Content Provide exercises libraries into Fisikal.

Content Provider Tag Category

Administrators should go to Settings > Tag Categories and create a new tag category titled "Content Provider."

Can be applied by Manager.

Applied to Media

Select Create

Content Provider Tags

Administrators should go to Settings > Tags


Create Exercise Category


Create Exercise Tag Category


Create Exercise Tags

Consider if you want to tag exercises by muscle group and or Equipment.


Vimeo Funxtion Exercise Library


Choose a section to start uploading


Download 540p


Download the file.

Create new Media File

Tag with content provider

Upload file


Create an Exercise



Create new exercise

Add exercise category by provider

Enter Exercise sub title

Paste in description from vimeo (making sure no spacing between lines)


Tag by equipment and or muscle group

Upload media file

Filter by provider or name of exercise


Configure both Exercise loop and Preview file


Create and check