How to use the Perfect Gym integration

Connect your Fisikal instance to Perfect gym so that new clients, packages and door access events are sync'd in real time.


Perfect Gym is a complete membership management system that is complimented by being integrated to Fisikal to offer a powerful mobile app solution.

The Perfect Gym integration allows, Members, Memberships, Membership Add-ons and Club Visits to be shared to Fisikal in near real-time.

Once connected then Perfect Gym users are able to log into Fisikal using their Perfect Gym credentials, which means the Fisikal web portal is available to be incorporated into your website and it is easy to allow your users to log into the Fisikal Member App.

The Perfect Gym integration does not require EGYM, but it does work very well with the EGYM app, ensuring that a member's record is present in Fisikal already when the come to log into the Egym app and use the Fisikal tiles.

What does the Perfect Gym integration do?

The Perfect Gym Integration has 4 main functions:

Perform initial sync

Once all the configuration is in place, just click the Perform Initial Sync button to load in all the Members and their Contracts and Products into Fisikal.

There is no need to do a manual upload of data before commencing.

Ongoing Sync

There are two ongoing syncs that run when the integration is active, they can be set to run on different intervals as necessary.

The Ongoing Client Sync will:

  • detect any new members in Perfect Gym and create a corresponding Client record in Fisikal. If a member is updated in Perfect Gym then the update will be made in Fisikal too.
  • detect new contracts in Perfect Gym and assign a package in Fisikal if there is a matching configured package.
  • detect new Member Products (aka Add-ons) and assign a Package in Fisikal.

The Ongoing Access Sync will:

  • detect any new club visits in Perfect Gym and create a corresponding Door Access event in Fisikal. This allows a client to automatically be parked as attended to bookings that are close to when they came into the location.


If  a user attempts to log into Fisikal and their credentials do not work as Fisikal credentials, then they will be checked against Perfect Gym, and if accepted then the user will be allowed to log in.

This allows app users to log in using their Perfect Gym credentials, or web users to log into the Fisikal web portal using their Perfect Gym credentials.

This simplifies the process of adding or replacing an app as the clients can continue to use the credentials they already know.

EGYM BMA Integration

A main aim of the regular Perfect Gym sync is to ensure that a Member's complete record, with all their purchased packages is present in Fisikal before they attempt to use the EGYM BMA App.

The moment a user of the app clicks a Fisikal tile in the EGYM app then they are connected to their Fisikal client record. The list of classes displayed by default corresponds to their home membership location, and the classes they can book is determined by their packages assigned in Fisikal.

In order for that click to work a Client record in Fisikal that matches the Member record in Egym must already exist. So Fisikal must keep up to date with contacts in Perfect Gym as that is the source of all the users.

In order for the Perfect Gym and EGYM App operations to all work there must be two integrations active in Fisikal:

  • EGYM - BMA Integration
  • Perfect Gym

The Perfect Gym integration was built with the EGYM BMA Integration in mind, but it is not essential to have both. The Perfect Gym integration can be used stand alone or with another app if necessary.


Steps to get the Perfect Gym Integration running

  1. Create the Identity required for the Perfect Gym Customer Number
  2. Create the Perfect Gym Integration in Fisikal
  3. Configure the Locations in Fisikal
  4. Configure the Doors in Fisikal
  5. Configure the Packages in Fisikal
  6. Perform an Initial Sync

How to enable the Perfect Gym integration

  1. Log into Fisikal as a Manager user
  2. Create a new Identity to be used to store the Perfect Gym Customer Number:
    1. Click Settings > Identities > ➕
    2. Enter details:
      1. Identity Type = Third-party ID
      2. Display Name = Perfect Gym Customer Number
      3. Max per client = 1
      4. Minimum days between changes = 0
      5. Active = Active
    3. Click Create
    1. Click Settings > Integrations > ➕
    2. Enter Details:
      1. Integration type = Perfect Gym
      2. Active = Active
      3. Base URL = URL of your Perfect Gym instance
      4. Client ID = ID of the user created in your Perfect Gym instance for Fisikal API access
      5. Client Secret = password of the user created in your Perfect Gym instance for Fisikal API access
      6. Select Identity = Choose the Identity created in Step 2 above = Perfect Gym Customer Number
    3. Click Add; the new integration will appear in the integration list.
    4. Click the ✏️ to edit the integration and set the options, see below for details.

Sync Member Data

Enable the regular sync of Membership, Contact and Member Product data.

Recommended frequency is 10 mins.

Change the frequency if you require a newly added Member in Perfect Gym to be able to use the EGYM App in less than 10 mins from signing up.

Sync Swipes

Enable the regular sync of door access information.

In order for this option to succeed there must be a door record created for each location, see below for details.


How to add the Perfect Gym Club Number to a Location

In order for the integration to be enabled in every location the Perfect Gym Club Number must be stored on the corresponding Location in Fisikal:

  1. Log in as a Manager user
  2. Click Services > Locations
  3. If the location has not been created yet then click the ➕ button or click the ✏️ button to edit an existing location.
  4. Click the Integrations tab, enter the Perfect Gym club number

If the Perfect Gym Club Number field is not visible please check that the Perfect Gym Integration is active and if so then reload the page (Ctrl+F5 or CMD+R) to make it appear.

How to create a Door record for a location

  1. Log in as a Manager user
  2. Click Settings > Doors
  3. Add a new door record by pressing the ➕ button.
  4. Enter the details of the door
    1. Enter a useful Title for the door that includes the name of the location
    2. Enter a unique Nomical door ID, this ID must be unique in the Club.
    3. Select the specific location option and choose the location of the door from the list.
    4. Leave the Access Control option Disabled.
    5. Ensure the Door is Active.
  5. Click Create


How to configure packages in Fisikal for Perfect Gym

Packages in Fisikal can be linked to either Payment Plans (aka Contracts) or Member Products (aka add-ons) in Perfect Gym.
Payment Plans in Perfect Gym can include Add-ons when they are purchased. You must analyse the configuration to determine which Packages must be created. Your Fisikal Account Manager will help with this task.
When the package is created in Fisikal it must have an Alt ID in a special format:
  • Payment Plans must have a package with an Alt ID in the form: payment_plan_24
  • Member Products must have an Alt ID in the form: product_26

Perfect Gym does not make it easy to find the IDs of Payment Plans or Add-ons, the easiest way to obtain this information is to use the Fisikal Retool page to lookup all the products in Perfect Gym and it will display the required IDs.

How to perform an initial sync of clients from Perfect Gym

Use the Perform Member Sync option to completely import all the current active members in a location in Perfect gym.


  • The sync will create all Active members, ie they are not deleted in Perfect Gym
  • Please ensure the package config is complete. The sync will attempt to assign any contracts or membership products that the client owns as client packages, but only if there is a package defined that has the Alt ID that matches the item. If the package does not exist then the client will be created with no package and you may have to run this task again. Please refer to the package configuration section for details.


  1. Log into Fisikal as a Manager user
  2. Click Settings > Integrations > Perfect Gym >✏️
  3. Click Perform Member Sync
  4. Select one location to start with, click Specific location and choose one (ideally the smallest one) to start with,
  5. Click Start Member Sync
  6. The sync will commence. Click the Clients page to view the clients being created.