How to use Log in with Egym

If your instance is connected to the EGYM BMA then you can allow clients to log into Fisikal using their Egym credentials.

If you use the EGYM BMA app and the Fisikal MWA components inside it, then users are logging into the app using their EGYM Login Credentials. This is a great seamless way for users to use Fisikal without knowing that they are, and without needing to know any more usernames and passwords.

On its own it does mean that clients can only use Fisikal through the Egym app.

If you enable the Log in with EGYM feature then it becomes possible for clients to also use the Fisikal Client Portal to make bookings through a web browser. This is a great way to reduce the quantity of usernames and passwords that a client needs but also to have an option where users are not forced to use an app and can use the web instead.


Please note:

  • Only clients can log in using EGYM credentials.
  • Log in with Egym behaves differently for tightly connected (OneMMS) Membership systems to loosely connected Membership systems.
    • In tightly coupled systems (oneMMS) the membership ID of the MMS is most likely to be used to identify the member. This is reliably unique.
    • In loosely coupled system the membership ID is typically not available, and so the integration will revert to using the client's email address to determine who they are. Emails addresses can be duplicated, and so there is an increased chance of a conflict that prevents login.
  • You must engage with Egym to get the Log in with Egym function enabled for your Egym instance. See below for details.
  • It is up to you to distribute the correct url for the Egym login page to your users. There is no navigation to the page from the Fisikal UI. The intention is for you to create a link to the page form your website.


  1. Existing working EGYM BMA integration.
  2. Fully configured Fisikal Client Portal
  3. Completed request to EGYM for registration that includes:
    1. Name of the target instance
    2. The callback URL of the login page like this: https://<your-instance>
    3. A web suitable image file to be used as the branding on the log in page
      1. jpeg, png, gif format
      2. square
      3. optimised for small file size
  4. EGYM response that includes a Client ID value.
  5. Example Egym credentials for testing

Steps to enable Log in with Egym

  1. Log in as a Manager
  2. Click Settings > Integrations and edit the EGYM - BMA Integration using the ✏️
  3. Enter the Client ID value received from Egym, click Update.

The log in with EGYM feature is now available in your instance.

If your instance has only a single club then you can navigate to your login page at:


If there is more than one club in your instance using the login with Egym function then you must add a club ID parameter to the URL to distinguish your clubs URL, like this:



Test the log in function:

  1. Log OUT of your Fisikal instance
  2. Navigate to your login page
  3. Log in using EGYM Test credentials

If the result is the client portal in Fisikal then the link is working:

If the result is this error page:

Then the cause is that while the user did enter the correct username and login in Egym, Fisikal was unable to identify who the user was. They do not have a client record in Fisikal that can be matched to the details sent from EGYM.

Possible solutions to ensure that client record exists.

  • Try to trigger a change in the MMS that would cause the client to be sync'd automatically.
  • Manually create the client record, ensuring the correct Identity or Alt ID is added.
  • The split membership value for the integration is set correctly

Flow to identify client from log in with Egym: