How to use an assessment in the confirmation flow of a client using the app for the first time

When a new client uses the member app for the first time then they can be forced to complete an assessment that is a useful technique for gathering data for their fitness journey.


  1. Create an Assessment Template to be used in the confirmation flow.
  2. Click Settings > Club and scroll down to the Confirmation Flow section
  3. Click the ✏️ alongside the Confirmation Flow
  4. Ensure the flow is Enabled
  5. If there is no entry in the flow already, click ➕Add to create one
  6. Enter the title of the flow step, this is not displayed to the user.
  7. Select the Type of Questionnaire
  8. Under the 'Show where' option enable both Web and App
  9. Select the Assessment template created in Step one
  10. Click Update

The questionnaire is now part of the initial use of the app, any first time user, upon logging in must complete the questionnaire.


You can confirm the flow by creating  a test client, obtaining their password, and attempting to log into the app. The confirmation flow will be displayed immediately after logging in.