- Fisikal Support
A list of credit usage in your Fisikal club with fields detailing the user that the credits are associated with and details of what the credits have been used for.
This article covers the Credit Transactions Report. This report pulls a list of credit usage in your Fisikal club with fields detailing the user that the credits are associated with and details of what the credits have been used for. This logs both credits that are spent on sessions as well as credits that are assigned by packages. It also tracks credit and package refunds.
Generating the Report
To generate a report, Users should go to the REPORTS section and select the "+" button. The GENERATE REPORT form will display as shown below:
When generating a Credit Transactions Report you must select a date range in which to view transactions. You can also choose to view all clients, active clients, or a specific list of clients.
Report Fields
The Credit Transactions Report contains one row for each Fisikal credit transaction with the below fields:
Posted Date
Date of transaction
Client Name
Full name of the client whose credits are being transacted
Trxn Group
Transaction group type - this can be billing/refunding of individual sessions, or assignment/refunding/expiration of packages.
The type of credit spent - either package or pay-as-you-go (PAYG).
Package Name
Name of the package that credits are originating from (if not a PAYG)
Service Title
Name of the service that credits are being used for (or refunded from)
Number of Credits
Credits involved in the transaction
Mixed Credits
Whether the assigned package has a mix of credits.
Payment Code
Type of transaction.
Transaction reference
Transaction note
Client Service Package ID - a single unique identifier for a client service package
Created By
User who created the transaction