Class Cancellation Notification Process

Using the Notification to send reminders of the class being cancelled.

Start by logging in as a manager for have access to the class schedule. 

When clicking on the specific class you want to cancel press the REMIND button. This will then produce a "Message" and will have all the members that have booked onto the class already in the email field. 


Type in the message of your choice about the cancellation, that the class is going to be cancelled and what will happen. They will receive a notification from the system to cancel the class. 


Click the SEND button and then cancel the appointment by selecting CANCEL and only cancel this individual occurrence. 



Make sure to not press the "APPLY TO ALL [X] FUTURE APPOINTMENTS", as this will cancel all of the future classes. 


If you would like to check that the members of the class have received the notification:

  • Go to Clients and enter the name / email / membership ID of the client you want to check.
  • Select the COMMUNICATION tab and see all the notifications that have been sent. You can select the SHOW button to view the content.
  • If the member is being really difficult about this, please ask the EOS IT team to search for this client to view if they OPENED or if it went into SPAM. As EOS send them from your own email system, we cannot see if the client opened it or any other reason. We can just see that we sent it and the contents what was included inside it.

